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Want to support Canoe Creation?

Thank you for your interest in Canoe Creation! Join with us to declare His power to the next generation. (Ps. 71:18)

  • Pray

    Receive praise and prayer updates or join online weekly prayer.
  • Donate

    Use the donate button at the top of this page, or mail a check to the address listed in the footer.
  • Spread the word

    Share with those of like mind: family, church, homeschool groups, etc. We also have a facebook page.
  • Volunteer/Internships

    • Internships: Serve as a river guide/aide. Contact us to inquire here.
    • Hands-on volunteer work: From office help to assisting with trips and upkeep of ministry.
    • Work camps: Group onsite work camps combine work projects with creation teaching and fun.